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Week 4 Chapter 7 Discussion Question 7

Week 4 Chapter 7 Discussion Question 7

Q Week 4 - Discussion Question # 7 - Chapter 7 You must post threads in which you respond to each question twice. Your initial response of a paragraph and you will also be replying to another student’s thread of at least one paragraph. One important note about the Discussion Questions: I expect everyone to provide at least a one paragraph thoughtful, well-articulated responses to each of the questions. Do not post an answer to something simply by reading someone’s post and saying “Yes, I agree". Your responses must be original and at least one paragraph in length. • Should Smoking Be Banned Entirely? If so, then how would we go about it and not infringe on the rights of individuals that want to smoke.

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A new tobacco "endgame" has been put out in recent years: prohibiting the sale of tobacco to every citizen born after a particular year, hence producing new generations free from tobacco use. Because people tend to become addicted to nicotine fast and before the age of 20, it is crucial to understand who starts smoking and how many people do so. Because nicotine dependence tends to persist into adulthood once it begins in adolescence, this issue becomes practical relevance. Young people's usage of smokeless tobacco products is an issue.